Aluminium Windows

Aluminium Windows in Melbourne

Committed to delivering modern and durable aluminium windows suited for all environments, we proudly stock and supply an extensive range of high-quality low-cost aluminium windows.

Incorporating contemporary, classic, and popular designs, our sliding windows offer increased ventilation and uninterrupted expansive views. To make sure our windows are right for you we offer a wide choice in sash size and glazing to make sure that your window is right for your home or office.

Renowned for their aesthetic features and contemporary style, Aluminium awning windows are perfect for all properties. Able to be opened in fine or inclement weather, awning windows offer a classic style that’s sure to look great in your home.

Is Aluminium Good For Window Frames?

Yes, they are very reliable, durable, and corrosion resistant which results in low maintenance and remains strong for all kinds of weather conditions, including extreme heat and wind. It will not warp, swell or split as other frame materials could over time. 

Aluminium is also a great thermal retainer, if these are used in addition to double-glazed windows then your energy efficiency will be much greater. All these qualities ensure a longer product life for your windows.

What Colours And Finishes Can Aluminium Windows Be?

We offer two varieties, powder coating and anodising. Powder coating has more colour variations available and can be anodised as well.

Aluminium Casement Windows

Aluminium casement windows are attached to the wall either on the left or right side and can open as wide as 90 degrees. 

This allows for quick and easy ventilation in a style that will suit both traditional and contemporary style homes. When opened, the casement window provides maximum ventilation, helping to keep the home or office feeling fresh.

Aluminium Double Hung Windows

Aluminium double-hung windows (also commonly known as double-sash windows) are an extremely versatile style both in traditional and contemporary designs. 

This style allows both the top and bottom windows to move, which lets you have differing airflow. Offering superior climate control by allowing ventilation through the top, bottom or both sashes, the double-hung window combines reliable functionality with classic style.

The benefit of double-hung windows is energy efficiency. Due to the double locking system, double sash windows allow for a tighter seal, saving more energy in winter. On warmer days you can open both windows to allow for more fresh air. This helps our double-hung window customers rely less on heating and cooling.

Choose the Right Window for You

Get the right aluminium windows for your home or business today by trusting the experts at T&B Discount Windows. 

To find out more about our diverse and modern range of durable windows, give us a call on 1300 075 038 today.

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